Vltavská pohádka

Our tips
Water sports ambience
Vltavská pohádka will host you with its friendly water atmosphere. In the morning, enjoy a cup of coffee and the views of River Vltava, burbling just below your windows.
The town within reach
Take a trip to the local chateau, grab fresh waffles on the way, or just peek inside the shop windows in the Krumlov alleys. It's only a few steps away from the hotel.
A little something to eat
The fragrant breakfast is served in the cosy restaurant on the ground floor, decorated with fishing nets, paddles, with the aroma of freshly baked strudel and other goodies. You can also have an excellent dinner or a beer there.
Children are welcome
Children will love this place. A dreamy atmosphere, a bassinette available on request, rooms with duvets as at your grandmother's, raspberry lemonade or a scoop of ice-cream after dinner. The small joys of childhood.