Hotel Sladovna

Our tips
Treat yourself to a great meal in the hotel restaurant, from where you can move directly into the adjacent bar. But if you're looking for a beer, head to the pub Šenk U Prokuristy, where you'll be able to try a variety of the beloved hop beverage.
Beer everywhere you turn
Soak your worries away in the beer spa and indulge in a few pints - this is a beer brewing city after all.
Ideal for business
Sladovna's location in the very heart of the country makes it ideal for business meetings and events, accessible for all branches of your company. Make Sladovna suit yours needs for anything from training days and conferences to seminars.
Infinite trips in the area
Explore the local forests, wander the historic streets of Brno, visit the caves or the castle in Rájec-Jestřebí. Don't leave out a trip to the Brewing Museum or the Černá Hora brewery. And if you're a bit of a history buff, definitely stop by the Rájec nad Svitavou Chateau.